The scientific research activities which are currently being undertaken within the Faculty comprise both fundamental and applied research. The ultimate aims of this reseach are directed towards meeting the national needs, strengthening the research capability of the Faculty staff, and generating scientific publications in national and international journals.

During the past year academic research carried out by researchers from the Faculty of Science received a total of Baht 31,786,360 in allocations and financial support from many different funding agencies both within and outside the University, such as Thailand Research Fund (TRF), National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) , the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). These projects include long-term financial support and short-term projects. The Faculty has a policy to support cooperation in joint research between the Faculty of Science and the public and private sectors both at home and abroad in order to develop the potential of faculty staff so that they can develop academically and upgrade their knowledge to an internation level (see Activities through international cooperation) . Futhermore, as a way of encouraging academic excellence, the Faculty of Science also promotes group research by supporting the establishment of Research Units and Research Laboratories. During the past year, 20 Research Laboratories and 23 Research Units were registered.
