Materials Science Centre

The Materials Science Centre Project is conducted jointly between the Faculty of Science and the University of Leeds, UK, with support from the British Council. The following activities were conducted in 1997:

9 - 10 January, 1997. An International Conference on Material Technology : Recent Developments and Future Potential was held at The Empress Hotel, Chiang Mai. The Conference was attended by 120 participants from both Thailand and abroad. Local and international guest speakers at the Conference included:

Prof. D.V. Edmonds, Prof. Robert C. Cochrane, and Dr. Steven J. Milne of the School of Materials, University of Leeds, UK.

Prof. Anthony F. Johnson and Prof. Geoffrey R. Davis of IRC in Polymer Science and Technology, University of Leeds, UK.

Prof. Dr. A.M. North, former President, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT).

Prof. Yoshihiko Hirotsu and Prof. Katsuaki Suganuma of The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, ISIR, Osaka.

Dr. Krisda Suchiva and Dr. Panya Srichant of The National Metal and Materials Technology Centre (MTEC).

8 April - 7 May, 1997. Asst. Prof. Dr. Sukon Panichphunt traveled to the University of Leeds for the purpose of discussion and academic cooperation.

27 - April - 5 July, 1997. Mr. Parimanan Cherntongchai traveled to the University of Leeds to take part in a training programme.

1 June - 30 July, 1997. Asst. Prof. Jintana Siripitayananon traveled to the University of Leeds to take part in a training programme.